AnyDesk: The Fast Remote Desktop Application Explained

AnyDesk: The Fast Remote Desktop Application Explained

General   /   Apr 21st, 2020   /  A+ | a-

If you find yourself working from home, especially during the current Covid 19 lockdown, it's important that you have high-quality software to get the job done. With so many different ways to work remotely, it can be a little confusing if you are just starting out. AnyDesk: The Fast Remote Desktop Application, is an increasingly popular app amongst IT professionals and freelancers. In order to ensure that it's the right fit for you, we have created a detailed guide to answer some of your questions.

What is it?


AnyDesk is a popular app that enables professionals to work anytime and anywhere. It offers a secure way to work from home, by providing remote access to your work desktop computer. With reliable internet connections, professionals can use this application from around the world.

What are the key features?


- Excellent Performance

Offering high-quality performance levels, this remote desktop software boasts high frame rates of 60 fps across most networks and connections. Expect an innovative codec, low latency, and an efficient bandth-width use, enabling you to perform tasks smoothly without any connection issues.

- Secure Software

AnyDesk takes its security very seriously with banking standard technology to prevent unauthorised access. You also get to control who can access your computer via a whitelisting feature.

- Work from Anywhere

AnyDesk offers you the flexibility to work anywhere in the world. Whether you need to access your desktop from a boardroom or a train, this programme offers ease and efficiency. It can be used on any device and is available in 28 different languages.

- Administration Features

Along with remote access, AnyDesk boasts a range of useful administrative features. Manage your contacts with an easy to use address book, access session logs and licenses, and even reboot sessions remotely.

How do I use it?


AnyDesk is free to use and works across all Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD devices. The app is also compatible with your Raspberry Pi. Access AnyDesk with one simple download of the 3MB file. Once it's downloaded onto your device, you can then install it onto your desktop and set up a password. When the installation and password are complete, you will then be able to remotely access your computer from absolutely anywhere.
